Heidi Poxon
Head of Technology for Advanced Computing and Simulation, AWS
Heidi Poxon is the Head of Technology for Advanced Computing and Simulation at AWS, where she combines her HPC and cloud expertise to deliver solutions that target next-generation computing needs. She has over 25 years of experience working in HPC as an engineer, software architect, strategist, and technical leader. Prior to joining AWS, Heidi led the technical and strategic direction at HPE for the HPE Cray Programming Environment. During her career, she has had the privilege of working on the world’s fastest supercomputers, designing and delivering software to help users extract the maximum performance from a system. Her previous work includes performance analysis of applications and large-scale systems, as well as MPI, shared memory, and tool software development. Heidi has been a frequent speaker at global events, workshops, and tutorials, and has participated on various technical advisory teams and program committees to advance cutting-edge research and scientific computing.