High Performance Software Foundation (HPSF) is an open-source, vendor neutral hub for high performance software projects, working groups, events, and training. HPSF aims to build, promote, and advance a portable software stack for high performance computing (HPC) by increasing adoption, lowering barriers to contribution, and supporting development efforts. Our focus is on providing projects with the resources and connections they need to bring their projects to maturity and to increase usage across HPC, AI, scientific software, security, and other communities.
The Linux Foundation announced the intention to form the HPSF on November 13, 2023. From January to May, 2024, HPSF founding members and projects met to establish a founding charter and an initial directed fund. With that work now complete, HPSF launched at ISC-HPC 2024.
The initial HPSF Governing Board (GB) will begin to bootstrap HPSF governance in May, filling elected seats and establishing an initial Technical Advisory Committee (TAC). Soon after, HPSF will establish initial technical working groups, activities, and events.